Other Sermons
Hebrews 11 and 12:1-2 -- "Live By Faith"
Colin Rueter, guest pastor -- 9/8/24
Colin Rueter, guest pastor -- 9/8/24
Psalm 4 -- "Let Invincible Joy Put Your Soul
To Sleep" -- Patrick Porras -- 9/1/24 |
John 6:22-33 -- "Bread From Heaven"
Tim Skaran -- 6/9/24 |
John 2:13-22 -- "A Temple Razed and a Temple
Raised" -- Chad Skaran -- 3/31/24 |
1 John 3:4-10 -- "The Newborn King and His
Reborn Kin" -- Chad Skaran -- 12/17/23 |
Hebrews 2:10-18 -- "What Is The Christmas
Spirit?" -- Chad Skaran -- 12/10/23 |
John 5:30-47 -- "Who Is Jesus To You?"
Tim Skaran -- 10/29/23 |
John 5:1-17 -- "The Dangers Of False Faith"
Tim Skaran -- 2/26/23 |
Psalm 61:1-8 -- "Rock Of Ages" -- Jonah VanProosdy -- 1/22/23
Hebrews 1:5-14 -- Advent 2022: Jesus God's Son -- Chad Skaran -- 12/25/22
Matthew 2:1-12 -- Jesus Our King
Chad Skaran -- 12/18/22 |
"The Advent Of Our Great High Priest" -- Hebrews
7:22-28 -- Jonah VanProosdy -- 12/11/22 |
Advent 2022: Jesus Our Prophet
Chad Skaran -- 12/4/22 |
Psalm 46 -- "Come And See Our King In His
Majesty" -- guest preacher -- 9/18/22 |
John 4:4-30 -- "Living Water"
Chad Skaran -- 6/19/22 |
Luke 1:39-56 -- "He Has...Exalted Those Of
Humble Estate" -- 12/26/21 -- Chad Skaran |
1 Peter 3:13-22 -- "Baptism: An Appeal To God For
A Good Conscience" -- 10/17/21 -- Chad Skaran |
Romans 6:1-14 -- "Baptism: Consider Yourselves
Dead And Alive" -- 10/10/21 -- Chad Skaran |
Colossians 2:9-15 -- "Baptism: Buried And Raised
With Him Through Faith" -- 10/3/21 -- Chad Skaran |
1 Corinthians 11:17-34 -- "A Body Gathered Around
A Body Broken" -- 9/26/21 -- Chad Skaran |
Matthew 26:26-30 -- "Jesus: Host and
Feast" -- 9/19/21 -- Chad Skaran |
"Baptism, The Lord's Supper, and the New
Covenant" -- 9/12/21 -- Chad Skaran |
Micah 7:1-9 -- "Whose Sin Is It Anyway?"
8/22/21 -- Sean Wise |
Genesis 1-3 -- "A Scaly Salesman And The First
Case Of Buyer's Remorse" -- 1/24/21 -- Sean Wise |
Luke 2:1-21 -- "Unto You Is Born...A Savior"
(Part 2) -- 12/20/20 -- Chad Skaran |
Luke 2:1-21 -- "Unto You Is Born...A Savior"
(Part 1) -- 12/20/20 -- Chad Skaran |
Jeremiah 29:4-14 -- "Of Exiles And Quarantines"
6/14/20 -- Sean Wise |
Psalm 16 -- "The Pursuit Of Happiness" -- 3/17/19
Jonathan Sorensen |
Matthew 2:1-12 -- "How To Be Wise" -- 1/6/19
Jonathan Sorensen |
Matthew 6:11 -- "Give Us This Day Our
Daily Bread" -- 12/23/18 -- Chad Skaran |
Exodus 37:1-9 -- 11/4/18 -- Josh Tollett,
guest preacher, Bethlehem Seminary |
"What All Must Know" - The Gospel As Presented In
Our Evangelistic Material -- 7/15/18 -- Chad Skaran |
Col. 4:2-4 -- "Prayer and the Gospel's Advance"
4/17/18 -- Regan Martin, missions partner |
Isaiah 6 -- "A God-Entranced Vision and the Church's Mission" -- 7/2/17 -- Regan Martin, guest speaker
1 Peter 1:1 -- "Elect Exiles"
6/18/17 -- Jonah Van Proosdy |
Audio is from Darin preaching the same sermon for his home
church, Cornerstone Evangelical Free, Rochester MN |
"Tithing vs. Generosity" -- 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
(and other texts) -- 10/23/16 -- Chad Skaran |
Jude -- "Blameless Before The Presence Of His
Glory" -- 10/2/16 -- Joe Smith, guest speaker |
"The Test Of Tithing"
9/11/16 -- Chad Skaran |
"The Glory of the Trinity" -- 8/28/16
Darin Bernard, guest speaker |
Sam Walters with Restoring Hope International
Ministry Presentation -- 6/4/16 |
Acts 6:1-15; 7:51-60 - "The Sovereignty and Grace
of God in Death" - 5/31/15 - Bryan Young |
"More Than Miracles"
9/28/14 - Joe Smith |
"God Is The Good News"
8/10/2014 - Chad Skaran* * a special thanks to John Piper for his book and conferences messages
that were the foundational thinking behind this sermon |
Romans 1:18-27 - "God's Wrath Revealed Against
Idolatry" - 10/14/2012 - Chad Skaran
James 1:19-27 - "Don't Waste God's Word"
Acts 6:1-7 - "Deacons: Serving By God's Grace"