Please take a few minutes to consider these clear explanations of
the good news of salvation offered to us through Jesus Christ.
First, a personal word from us to you:
Redemption Hill wants you to know that we love you. This love flows from having first received God’s love, and we believe that telling you how is the best way we can love you. Please read on...
God delights in all His good creation, but has a unique love for mankind because we—all of humanity, including you—are made in His image. We are created for the privileged purpose of knowing Him and reflecting His glorious character through our lives. But there is a monumental problem: that image is marred and twisted by our sin—a term that indicates missing the mark of God’s holy character. Sin flows from each and every person’s broken disposition to want his or her own way over God’s—to serve self over Him. And it takes many forms. The 10 Commandments, often called God’s “Moral Law,” clarify that such things as misusing God’s name, dishonoring one’s parents, unfaithfulness to one’s spouse, stealing, giving false testimony, and even jealousy are all sin. Whether subtle or obvious, it is always serious; the Bible tells us that due to the sins we commit against God (and others) daily, we rightfully deserve to be cut off from knowing His favor at all. (Ephesians 2:1-3) We are entitled only to receive His just judgment of physical death and eternal torment, and all of this world’s misery is owing to that fact. But there is good news! Throughout history God has persistently revealed not only sin’s seriousness but also His own purpose to send a Savior. And at the appointed time 2.000 years ago He came! God’s eternal Son was born in human flesh—fully God and fully man. This Jesus lived a sinless life, fulfilled God’s Law, and achieved spotless righteousness. Then He went willingly to the cross, dying a horrendous death at the hands of evil men while enduring the infinite wrath of God against sin. He “became sin” for us (2 Corinthians 5:21), suffering in our place what we deserve forever in Hell, and His resurrection on the third day proves that His sacrifice was sufficient. 40 days later He took His rightful place in Heaven, promising to return in power as Judge of all and finally to make all things new. IF you will truly repent of your sin and believe these truths of Jesus, God will declare you righteous (Romans 10:8-13) and make you new. Confess your sin to Him today, fall before Jesus as Savior and Lord, and find true life in Him! |
Next, it may help you to hear more of the great, true story of God and man that is laid out for us in His word, the Bible. |
Now, it is essential that you realize why this "story of God" matters for you personally more than anything else in life. |
Here's another way of saying it.
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to e-mail the pastor or call the church's office at (507) 533-8808 and leave us a message.
We've been praying for you and would love to hear from you.